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Old May 15, 2020, 08:33 PM
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Default Judgement Day

"That Day, We will seal over their mouths, and their hands will speak to Us, and their feet will testify about what they used to earn."
Chapter 36 - Surat Yasin

It's Ramadan. It's Quarantine. I am off weed. I am bored. So let's try the next best thing, which is put to stand all the corrupt officials and criminals of Bangladesh invite them and let them a chance to 'fess up, repent and find salvation.

Before we begin the proceeding, I will put some relevant links and excerpt to initiate the readers with the acquaintance. And..



First of all, a popular and oft-obscure allegation is a form of political influence called patronage.

According to Wikipedia:

As well, the term may refer to a type of corruption or favoritism in which a party in power rewards groups, families, or ethnicities for their electoral support using illegal gifts or fraudulently awarded appointments or government contracts.
As we shall soon see, a lot of influential figures have involved in some form of peddling or patronage.

Influence peddling

A form of corruption Influence peddling "is the illegal practice of using one's influence in government or connections with persons in authority to obtain favours or preferential treatment for another, usually in return for payment. Also called traffic of influence or trading in influence".

An illegal form of lobby that "de-legitimize democracy".



Political graft functions when the public officer is directed to purchase goods or services from a specific private interest at a cost far above regular market rates. The private interest then siphons some of the gratuitous profits to government officials that are able to ensure that future government spending continues in the same fashion so that this lucrative relationship continues. A member of a government may misappropriate directly from government funds, but they may also make decisions benefiting their own private economic interests by using inside knowledge of upcoming government decisions to their benefit, in a manner similar to insider trading.

Embezzlement is another favorite of mine and variant of blackmailing. To be specific:

Embezzlement is the act of withholding assets for the purpose of conversion (theft) of such assets, by one or more persons to whom the assets were entrusted, either to be held or to be used for specific purposes.

Similar to blackmailing and embezzlement, a form of racketeering is extortion. Extortion "is obtaining benefit through coercion. In most jurisdictions it is likely to constitute a criminal offense; the bulk of this article deals with such cases. Robbery is the simplest form of extortion."


In criminal law. The receiving or offering any undue reward by or to any person whomsoever, whose ordinary profession or business relates to the administration of public justice, in order to influence his behavior, and to incline him to act contrary to his duty and the known rules of honesty and integrity. Hall v. Marshall, 80 Ky. 552; Walsh v. People, 05 111. 05, 16 Am. Rep. 509; Com. v. Murray, 135 Mass. 530; Hutchinson v. State, 36 Tex. 294. The term “bribery” now extends further, and includes the offense of giving a bribe to many other classes of officers; it applies both to the actor and receiver, and extends to voters, cabinet ministers, legislators, sheriffs, and other classes. 2 Whart. Crim. Law,,

Nepotism is based on favoritism granted to relatives in various fields, including business, politics, entertainment, sports, religion and other activities. The term originated with the assignment of nephews to important positions by Catholic popes and bishops.

Nepotism has been criticized since the ancient times by several philosophers, including Aristotle, Valluvar, and Confucius. For instance, the ancient Indian philosopher Valluvar condemned nepotism as both evil and unwise.
Human trafficking

Ever reliable Wikipedia maintains:

Human trafficking is the trade of humans for the purpose of forced labour, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others. This may encompass providing a spouse in the context of forced marriage,or the extraction of organs or tissues,including for surrogacy and ova removal. Human trafficking can occur within a country or trans-nationally. Human trafficking is a crime against the person because of the violation of the victim's rights of movement through coercion and because of their commercial exploitation. Human trafficking is the trade in people, especially women and children, and does not necessarily involve the movement of the person from one place to another.
Money laundering

Money laundering is the illegal process of concealing the origins of money obtained illegally by passing it through a complex sequence of banking transfers or commercial transactions. The overall scheme of this process returns the "clean" money to the launderer in an obscure and indirect way.

Drug trafficking

The illegal drug trade or drug trafficking is a global black market dedicated to the cultivation, manufacture, distribution and sale of drugs that are subject to drug prohibition laws. Most jurisdictions prohibit trade, except under license, of many types of drugs through the use of drug prohibition laws.

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime's World Drug Report 2005 estimates the size of the global illicit drug market at US$321.6 billion in 2003 alone.[1] With a world GDP of US$36 trillion in the same year, the illegal drug trade may be estimated as nearly 1% of total global trade
Electoral fraud

Election fraud or vote rigging is the "illegal interference with the process of an election, either by increasing the vote share of the favored candidate, depressing the vote share of the rival candidates, or both."

Slush fund

"A slush fund, also called a black fund, is a fund or account that is not properly accounted, such as money used for corrupt or illegal purposes, especially in the political sphere." [Wikipedia]

Below is the relevant link pertaining to Corruption. We shall start our preceding shortly. Anyone can contribute. But please be advised to back your allegations with sufficient, established data so as to nullify any cause of slander or libel.

Let the games begin.


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Old May 15, 2020, 08:56 PM
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First in my list is Advocate Saju. Popularly known for rigging an art contest where apparently "Bangabandhu's stature" was tarnished by a child's imaginative substance resulting in defamation lawsuit against Salman. Salman subsequently served jail sentence from July 12 to July 13, 2017.

As the Dhaka Tribune editorial notes:

On April 18, the then divisional commissioner of Barisal Md Gaus issued a letter in response to Salman’s answer.

The letter read: “Gazi Tarek Salman has responded to the show cause notice and explained why the card was printed with a picture of the Father of the Nation without proper respect. His answer was not satisfactory.”

“The picture was printed on the back page of the card instead of the front page, which violates the rules issued for printing Bangabandhu’s picture. Thus Salman’s answer was marked as unsatisfactory,” he added.
Equally complicit in these charges in the aforementioned quote is the divisional commissioner Md Gaus.

Defendant Gaus and Saju, on the charges of abuse of power, corrupting an art contest, falsely accusing Gazi Tarique Salman of a kafkaesque crime:

What say you?

Here is your full chance of confession, repentance and closure to the families affected from your abuse of power and authority. A person who can take a children's image, and under the veil of it being blasphemous to "Father of Nation" possess no soul and has a heart stigmatized with inks and black stains of sin and has been hardened to stone seething in spite.

I suggest now that I have exposed thou of therefore, I open the forum to speak their mind directed at you throwing verbal stones, so that your own sins would be unburdened.

Furthermore, I hereby declare the government of Bangladesh to completely and irrevocably abolish Section 57 which is a slap in the face of the constitution of the Republic of Bangladesh.

Further, I hereby highlight these as an example of blatant abuse of authority against adherence to the rules, law and oath that you sworn to defend once you assumed your post.

The court will not move an inch further unless a proper verdict has been given or the families affected has sought closure.


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Old May 15, 2020, 10:28 PM
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This thread does not deserve to be deleted. good thread mashaAllah!

Zeeshan, I don't have time now as tonight is possibly laytatul Qadr but Allah knows best. but I do intend to write back to you in PM.

may Allah cure us, purify us absolve all our misunderstandings and misdirected anger Ameen .
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Old May 15, 2020, 11:04 PM
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Now Z, you know I have to point out the obvious here. Corruption yes, I have made many threads in the past as well about how politicians have no moral compass back home. But you do know, that these guys follow the salvation theology and try to pray away their bad acts, don't you? So a bit ironic to start with any verse from that corrupt book.

The end of Rahim will mark a new great beginning for the complacency free Bangladesh!
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Old May 16, 2020, 01:50 AM
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People might forget the perpetrators of Udichi case were acquitted, but Fate may not be so kind. Next on my list is Jessore district judge Mohammad Abul Hossain Bepari who acquitted all 23 accusers of Udichi twin bomb blast. The time of the verdict was 11:50am. And the current time is 11:50pm Pacific.

Ten dead. Ten crippled permanently. Hundreds injured on March 6, 1999 at Jessore. Mr. Bepari you threw the case right out of the window due to lack of evidence and proofs.

Per lack of evidence to the contrary, accusations against you is true because it has not been proven to be false.

The accused were:

The acquitted persons were Mahiuddin Alamgir, Sirajul Islam, Abul Khayer, Nurunnabi and his brothers Ahsan Kabir Hasan and Mizan, Ashraful Alam alias Bere Babu, Mehedi Hasan Litu, Mokaddes Hasan Babu, Murad alias Bhejal Murad, Saidur Rahman Sayeed, Nowsher Ali, Shariful Islam alias Minto, Rabiul Islam alias Moron, Saiful Islam, Mostofa alias Mastan, Sohrab, Sultan alias Nantu, Daud Sarder, Asaduzzaman alias Harainna Khokan, Tabbir Morol alias Tobi Morol, Ashok Kumar and Mohasin.
Mahiuddin Alamgir, Ahsan Kabir Hasan and Mizanur Rahman Mizan have died. 17 surrendered and one was murdered.

While Mufti Hannan met his due justice, the judge and the others complicit in these events have not.

I find it apt how Daily Star correctly plastered the headline:

The South Asian sub-continent has become a dangerous place in which to live not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing

Mr Bepari on the charges of murdering ten, injuring hundreds and maiming ten individuals, what say you?

21 years have elapsed. You did nothing on that day. Today I invite in this open forum anyone -ethnic, minority or otherwise- who has been affected from the bomb blast to come forth and speak openly and freely and decide what should be your fate. Anyone can join this forum and voice out their truth. And we members will watch and listen and silently do nothing. We will give you the same silent treatment that you gave others. If not anything, you will understand first hand how Fate in Her curious setting resuscitated a 21 year old forgotten agenda for your name to be a household name in people's mouth and public ears. The glare you will receive when you are confronted by the victims and mass will torment you for the rest of your life, either here, or hereafter. You shall first hand find out how God will remain silent, even though you shall send earnest plea and প্রার্থনা to be forgiven.

Your whole skin shall burn with the irritation like fire ants rubbing in the আযাব of your soul to be tortured begging for mercy, the same mercy you bestowed upon the perpetrators.

Do I act like it is some frivolous game? Well you did. Didn't you? For me it is an abstract process to cobble up some mumbo-jumbo words in stoic letters and symbols. For you the punishment that will be meted out will be visceral where you have to look and stare at your own eyes of your loved ones who shall forever known for who you really are:

A criminal in gown, wig and a gavel.


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Old May 16, 2020, 08:36 AM
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You forgot these things :

Bhejalami - shob khabaraey bhejal : doodh, fol, mas-mangsho shob
Flawed law enforcement - kidnapping by Poolish , throwing yaba in your pockets and then arresting you
Batpari - i.e. amar omuk tomuk AL er neta. I can do whatever I want to you
Crime patrol effect - Everyone watches this and finds new ways to do crime in the country
Dizital Bangladesh effect - We have found new ways to use technology by using it for crime : blackmail videos, forced rape videos, FB live killing, scamming etc.
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Old May 16, 2020, 12:27 PM
HereWeGo HereWeGo is offline
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Originally Posted by Roey Haque
Now Z, you know I have to point out the obvious here. Corruption yes, I have made many threads in the past as well about how politicians have no moral compass back home. But you do know, that these guys follow the salvation theology and try to pray away their bad acts, don't you? So a bit ironic to start with any verse from that corrupt book.

Cmon dude... prayers work... Why else would someone spend all his hard-earned money to travel thousands of miles to circle some rock.....

All hail Mr Saw (PBUH times Infinity) for creating such a great business model that ensures that money is generated every year without fail (except in times of a pandemic when the home of "all powerful" is too unsafe). ....
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Old May 16, 2020, 01:20 PM
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Originally Posted by HereWeGo
Cmon dude... prayers work... Why else would someone spend all his hard-earned money to travel thousands of miles to circle some rock.....

All hail Mr Saw (PBUH times Infinity) for creating such a great business model that ensures that money is generated every year without fail (except in times of a pandemic when the home of "all powerful" is too unsafe). ....
Not to divert this thread, but yes. I actually DO think prayers work. Other than that there is good and bad in every religion and faith and credence. I deliberately cherry picked the best verse from Quran pertaining to this thread. And also let us not forget majority of the perpetrators will be of Islamic faith since Bangladesh is a Muslim-majority country.

And as for the criminals having no moral compass which Roey pointed out... - it is exactly to the contrary. They have a twisted sense of moral rectitude and they did not master the mindset to transcend into the exothermal layer where they learn to see beyond your typical good vs bad as set by the norms of society, tradition and religion. For anyone interested, look up Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development and Heinz dilemma.

For instance take the case of Bepari above. I can easily picture him when pressured or suborned, he at first resisting caught up in his dilemma of moral behavior as apropos and coming to realization upon confronted: "Arey bhai hindura morse to morse, apnar ki? Promaan na thakle eder kes batil kore den." To me that is no absence of morality rather twisted justification of it. Every man can be coverted - you, me and the regular Joe upon appropriate lucre of sum or any other personal axiological justification.

Another example of twisted logic is Alonzo from Training Day where he has his own set of ethics and normative conclusion.

Finally, harking back to psychedelics which often gives a glimpse of veridical and ultimate "Truth" of reality - if Roey is proponent of such vehicle of technology then reading from William James' Varieties of Religious Experiences or Erowid vault, it is not that difficult that under the influence of pschydeleic trip each experiences are tailor made to suit his or her own needs - be it seeing Vishnu, Shiva, Christ, Virgin Mary, Lady Aya, goddess Salvia, jinns etc.

What does that tell you? God/Atman/Brahman is neutral in his demeanor and merely uses this Jungian archetype to teach a lesson that has initially been inculcated in their own lives programmed from birth.

Thus, it is only obvious given our collective upbringing in Islamic background we shall use this same theological doctrine to turn the card against ourselves.

What are you gonna say? Be the Buddha! Oh, be loving Christ.

Nay. Nay, we shall ask the very question that shall rattle them to the core and torment their soul:

What does the religion in which you were brought up say about the way you should conduct yourselves in day to day business and affairs?

If I was on a Buddhist forum, or a Hindu forum or a Bahaii forum I'd turn the card against the followers in the same vein. Saul Alinsky's rule for radicals: Hold them accountable by their own standards.

That much should be obvious.


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Old May 16, 2020, 05:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Rifat

may Allah cure us, purify us absolve all our misunderstandings and misdirected anger Ameen .
How is this any relevant to this thread? Passive-aggressiveness and covert attack is even worse. If you anything to say, say it directly to me.

Do not DM me. You are not welcome.

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Old May 16, 2020, 11:39 PM
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Rifat might have inadvertently made a point sotto voce.


As they say, we are not punished for our sins, but punished by our sins. There were times when my outrage caused constriction of vessels and tightening of muscles such as to completely immobilize me.

Daryl Steyn once crashed into a stump after a delivery where he did not emerge on top. This was in World Cup. Possibly against New Zealand. Here is an example of it:

While anger channeled constructively can be productive, most people die of heart attack and blood pressure for unmanageable anger or experience tremendous pressure on nerve. And I had a stern warning from God due to my outburst once in a dream like setting taking me to an unknown portal which was HELL.

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Old May 17, 2020, 07:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Roey Haque
Now Z, you know I have to point out the obvious here. Corruption yes, I have made many threads in the past as well about how politicians have no moral compass back home. But you do know, that these guys follow the salvation theology and try to pray away their bad acts, don't you? So a bit ironic to start with any verse from that corrupt book.

God does not guide the arrogant.

Isn’t there enough examples of prophets/people in Quran?
Do you not see the characteristics of those God has guided.

humility. Patience. Generosity.

Remember not everyone that reads the Quran will be guided.
Didn’t God say some will transgress even more?

[2:39] And (as to) those who disbelieve in and reject My communications, they are the inmates of the fire, in it they shall abide

[2:88] And they say: Our hearts are covered. Nay, Allah has cursed them on account of their unbelief; so little it is that they believe.

[2:90] Evil is that for which they have sold their souls, that they should deny what Allah has revealed, out of envy that Allah should send down of His grace on whomsoever of His servants He pleases; so they have made themselves deserving of wrath upon wrath, and there is a disgraceful punishment for the unbelievers.

[2:257] Allah is the guardian of those who believe. He brings them out of the darkness into the light; and (as to) those who disbelieve, their guardians are Shaitans who take them out of the light into the darkness; they are the inmates of the fire, in it they shall abide.

[3:10] (As for) those who disbelieve, surely neither their wealth nor their children shall avail them in the least against Allah, and these it is who are the fuel of the fire.

[3:12] Say to those who disbelieve: You shall be vanquished, and driven together to hell; and evil is the resting-place.

Calling the Quran corrupt does not harm God.

But God says he will increase your disease, meaning you will become more aggressive/transgress until the end, If God does not show mercy upon you.
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Old May 17, 2020, 09:23 AM
HereWeGo HereWeGo is offline
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Originally Posted by SportingBD
God does not guide the arrogant.

1/ But he created these arrogant men and women... Who should punish God for such an inferior job with his creation?

2/ There is a saying, that if you ever visit the children's cancer hospital, you will lose all faith in God. Cancer does not discriminate. What kind of God punishes children like that?

3/ There was an inscription inside the Jewish Concentration Camp "“If there is a God, He will have to beg for my forgiveness.” Imagine a God that allows such things to happen...Imagine than claiming himself to be the "most merciful"... Give me a break.

4/ Imagine proclaiming ones-self to be the Most powerful and cannot even protect his own home (Mecca/Medina). Imagine all powerful God is so fearful of the virus that he cannot even invite people to his own home
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Old May 17, 2020, 09:36 AM
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Humility, patience and generosity are all good qualities, but God or Allah's attributes in Quranic literature goes beyond the conventional notion of 'positive' vs 'negative'.

Sure He is forgiving, merciful and compassionate, but he is also:

al-Muhaymin -The Controller
al-Bāri - The Initiator/The One Who Has Absolute Power Over All Matters
al-Qahhār - The Subduer
al-Muḏill - The Giver of Dishonor (along with Honor)
al-Qawii - The Strong
al-Muḥṣiy - The Accounter
al-Mumiyt- The Bringer of Death
al-Muntaqim - The Avenger
aḍ-Ḍārr - The Distressor/The Harmer
al-Matiyn - The Firm

... which are all GREAT qualities. See, if anyone is willing to Judge us, then by definition that ineffable Being must possess all virtue and attributes that transcends good vs bad, positive vs negative. This to me is akin to Nondual/Taoist nature whereby the Supreme Being embraces all positive and negative attributes. Mods can take note.

And Eastern religion that purports "compassion", "peace" "Krishna consciousness" or for that matter followers of New Testament promoting empath/codependent mentality "God is Love" "Turn the other cheek" fail to miss the point entirely.

Yeah, terrorist blows up my niece in Columbia with a strapped bomb on her chest, so wemme strap some more b--- up and bl-- myself up. #empathlogic #soundsaboutright

This is admiringly some great qualia of God or Islamic Allah, because in order to rule the entire domain of Universe, not only one must possess Panopticon Consciousness but be stern, firm and assertive who has seen both the good, the bad and the ugly.

WE as humans may not merge with God in unio mystica any time soon, but in His image if we may emulate some of his sterner qualities and integrate them in our life, we cease being INAUTHENTIC, FAKE POLITE, PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE codependents and supply to narcissist with our smarmy emojis.

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Old May 17, 2020, 09:37 AM
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I'd respectfully urge all the members not to deviate and instead post more crooked criminals and politicians of BD - a good unique cause whereby we all can agree on and could, should and must focus our positive energy upon.

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Old May 17, 2020, 09:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Zeeshan

Humility, patience and generosity are all good qualities, but God or Allah's attributes in Quranic literature goes beyond the conventional notion of 'positive' vs 'negative'.

Sure He is forgiving, merciful and compassionate, but he is also:

al-Muhaymin -The Controller
al-Bāri - The Initiator/The One Who Has Absolute Power Over All Matters
al-Qahhār - The Subduer
al-Muḏill - The Giver of Dishonor (along with Honor)
al-Qawii - The Strong
al-Muḥṣiy - The Accounter
al-Mumiyt- The Bringer of Death
al-Muntaqim - The Avenger
aḍ-Ḍārr - The Distressor/The Harmer
al-Matiyn - The Firm

... which are all GREAT qualities. See, if anyone is willing to Judge us, then by definition that ineffable Being must possess all virtue and attributes that transcends good vs bad, positive vs negative. This to me is akin to Nondual/Taoist nature whereby the Supreme Being embraces all positive and negative attributes. Mods can take note.

And Eastern religion that purports "compassion", "peace" "Krishna consciousness" or for that matter followers of New Testament promoting empath/codependent mentality "God is Love" "Turn the other cheek" fail to miss the point entirely.

Yeah, terrorist blows up my niece in Columbia with a strapped bomb on her chest, so wemme strap some more b--- up and bl-- myself up. #empathlogic #soundsaboutright

This is admiringly some great qualia of God or Islamic Allah, because in order to rule the entire domain of Universe, not only one must possess Panopticon Consciousness but be stern, firm and assertive who has seen both the good, the bad and the ugly.

WE as humans may not merge with God inunio mystica any time soon, but in His image if we may emulate some of his sterner qualities and integrate them in our life, we cease being INAUTHENTIC, FAKE POLITE, PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE codependents and supply to narcissist with our smarmy emojis.
Could not have written it any better.

The three qualities I mentioned, were/are very common in the Quran (of the many examples God use for those rightly guided). That's why I picked them. I was not referring to the qualities of God (which you have put very well).
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Old May 17, 2020, 11:45 AM
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Originally Posted by SportingBD
God does not guide the arrogant.

Isn’t there enough examples of prophets/people in Quran?
Do you not see the characteristics of those God has guided.

humility. Patience. Generosity.

Remember not everyone that reads the Quran will be guided.
Didn’t God say some will transgress even more?

[2:39] And (as to) those who disbelieve in and reject My communications, they are the inmates of the fire, in it they shall abide

[2:88] And they say: Our hearts are covered. Nay, Allah has cursed them on account of their unbelief; so little it is that they believe.

[2:90] Evil is that for which they have sold their souls, that they should deny what Allah has revealed, out of envy that Allah should send down of His grace on whomsoever of His servants He pleases; so they have made themselves deserving of wrath upon wrath, and there is a disgraceful punishment for the unbelievers.

[2:257] Allah is the guardian of those who believe. He brings them out of the darkness into the light; and (as to) those who disbelieve, their guardians are Shaitans who take them out of the light into the darkness; they are the inmates of the fire, in it they shall abide.

[3:10] (As for) those who disbelieve, surely neither their wealth nor their children shall avail them in the least against Allah, and these it is who are the fuel of the fire.

[3:12] Say to those who disbelieve: You shall be vanquished, and driven together to hell; and evil is the resting-place.

Calling the Quran corrupt does not harm God.

But God says he will increase your disease, meaning you will become more aggressive/transgress until the end, If God does not show mercy upon you.
You don't see any irony, do you? One claim about a corrupt book,has gotten you off your rocker calling others arrogant and quoting scripture justifying hell fire. Doesn't seem to be much too much peace there. Disbeliever, yes. I don't believe a corrupted path made up by an immoral dirt-bag.

I will let it go Z with respect to your thread, but if I hear more of these passive aggressive tunes, I will fire back.
The end of Rahim will mark a new great beginning for the complacency free Bangladesh!
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Old May 17, 2020, 01:54 PM
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Next in our list is Mohammadpur police Sub-Inspector Masud Shikdar. Police in Bangladesh is one of the corrupt organization in the world routinely guilty of extortion, blackmailing and even rape according to Transparency International and various other sources.

We shall use this man as an example to set warning in stone as how not to behave. Police were supposed to uphold the law, sworn to protect us and not exploit public abusing their power.

Mohammadpur SI Masud Shikhdar who later has been suspended tried to taint bank official Golam Rabbi with yabba accusation and unfairly interrogated and tortured him.

SI Shikhdar on the charges of abuse of authority, treating your fellow human being indecently, torture, extortion on false charges and perhaps evidence, what say you?

I shall open the forum for public to cite this thread to shame more police officers in the same vein of "Eke Dhoriye Din" mentality that law enforcement agencies use.

You may post your harrowing story of any negative experiences of any police officer and plaster his name here with their rank badge numbers.

To further identify them I have redirected to the link to image of their rank insignia.

Unfortunately there are thousands if not more police officers like him in vermins who are Scott free profiteering from abuse of power.

I have further restrained from pasting the snapshot of Shikhdar's photo. Not out of grace, but out of the same extortion of a threat to post all the faces of police officers investing in a domain to ID them.

Heck, I have even brainstormed the domain name to "EderShonaktoKorun.com".

I am outside jurisdiction of Bangladesh. And should this current platform based outside the boundaries of Bangladesh authorities either gets deactivated or my thread gets taken down, then I will not hesitate to open a new website and monetize and profit by labeling all the corrupt officers of Bangladesh police force.

Sort of a p---hub of Bangladesh law enforcement.

Feel free to suggest further ideas.


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Old May 17, 2020, 03:30 PM
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Since the thread is about unmasking political grifting, you must understand the true meaning of following terminologies to better understand US politics

Access + Affordability: It does not mean healthcare is universal at no cost; it means, it will be only accessible to you as long as you can afford it. If you cannot afford it, you are good to die. Notice that no one ever defines what is affordable. That right is given to corporations.

Small vs big government:

Big government: Guardian and protector of the 99.99%. Ensures favorable policies for them and guarantees inalienable rights of healthcare, education, home, & employment.

Small government: Give everything to 0.01% and abandon the rest, and subjugate them to slavery if possible.

That is why corporate Dems and Republicans hate big government.

Trickle Down Economics: Tax cuts for corporations will not trickle down for employee salary increase or new investment for job creation, but it will result in more stock buy back for the owners.

We are all in this together: It means you are in it alone.

American Exceptionalism: Certain lives are more valuable than others, and America do not have to follow any international laws.

Make America Great Again: It means brings back the days of segregation and jim crow and if possible, slavery, so that elites can enjoy like the founding fathers.

Trumpian Language: It does not mean you meltdown every time, but you should just keep your cool and find the right interpretation.

Example: I have tremendous respect for Obama. In fact, nobody respects Obama more than I do.

Meaning: Nobody hates Obama more than me.

Unity/Civility: It does not mean true unity, it means don't you ever dare expose the corruption or policy difference of your primary challenger, because the challenger is preferred by the party insiders and elites.

BTW, in my opinion, the word UNITY has become a parody in and of itself in American politics.
Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself- AJH| Don’t disrespect your life by living aimlessly – set goals and work hard to attain them.
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Old May 17, 2020, 04:20 PM
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^^ Well I wanted to focus specifically on Bangladeshi corruption, not be world police- it's just too vast. We can't police everyone.

By the way - and I don't mean to plant any seeds or anything, and I hope no kids are reading this- anyone ever ventured into the dark world of Dark Web? Damn, some of the videos I saw were scary--s s---t.

Also, TBF if we were going to hold everyone accountable, you would probably relish in theorizing (and proving) how America manages to create Islamic state or not.

Crimes always fascinated me. But too often being a passive, easy going, empath - I focused on the "positives". However, unless you know how criminals think and operate, you shall forever be a gullible naif.

I call it the Edmund Dantes effect. Whereby innocence is shattered in a coming of age novel only to be a MAN where Dantes realize that in order to be wise as a Solomon you need to balance both your yin and yang side of energy, embrace the dark side to be a Satanic baphomet.

And while we are fascinated with the topic of ethics and why evil exist, you can taste the palate with these:

America's involvement in Islamic State

True crime/Mafia

Hezbolla/Taliban/Somalian terrorists


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Old May 20, 2020, 12:21 PM
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Trump is a novice. BD people are the bomb!!!! EVERY possible way on corruption.
Hey Zee, I have a certificate on Dark web.
The Weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the Strong." - Gandhi.
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