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Old May 12, 2014, 07:33 AM
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Why not bring JS back as our batting coach? I think he once said, he wouldn't mind becoming our batting coach.
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Old May 12, 2014, 07:38 AM
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Still need a batting and bowling coach..Bevan as batting and streak as bowling lead by head coach CH would be great!
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Old May 12, 2014, 07:42 AM
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Originally Posted by roman
Why not bring JS back as our batting coach? I think he once said, he wouldn't mind becoming our batting coach.
siddons as batting coach would be great.. But knowing BCB we all know thats not gonnna happen

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Old May 12, 2014, 07:49 AM
Crickbang Crickbang is offline
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Sarwar Imran is the interim head coach. I have a feeling BCB has locked in on Hathurusingha and they are going to negotiate hard over the contract terms while SI holds down the fort until the India series. I could be wrong however and it could be someone big or high profile.

সারোয়ার ইমরান জাতীয় ক্রিকেট দলের কোচ

আগামী জুনে ভারতীয় ক্রিকেট দল বাংলাদেশ সফরে আসছে। আর এই সফরের আগে বাংলাদেশ ক্রিকেট বোর্ড নতুন কোনো কোচের সন্ধান না পাওয়ায় আপাতত সারোয়ার ইমরান জাতীয় দলের কোচ হিসেবে দায়িত্ব পালন করবেন। বাংলাদেশ ক্রিকেট বোর্ডের মিডিয়া কমিটির চেয়ারম্যান ও কোচ অনুসন্ধান কমিটির সদস্য জালাল ইউনুস সোমবার বিষয়টি নিশ্চিত করেছেন।
জালাল ইউনুস জানিয়েছেন, নতুন কোচ পাওয়া গেলে তিনি জুলাইয়ের এক তারিখ থেকে কাজ শুরু করতে পারেন। তবে এর আগে তেমন কোনো সম্ভাবনা নেই।

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Old May 12, 2014, 09:08 AM
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ভারতের বিপক্ষে বাংলাদেশের হোম সিরিজের আগে জাতীয় দলের কোচ হতে যাচ্ছেন সারোয়ার ইমরান। বিদেশি কোচ নিয়োগের ব্যাপারে খুব দ্রুত কিছু করতে চাচ্ছে না দেশের ক্রিকেট বোর্ড বিসিবি। আপাতত তাই দেশি কোচকে দিয়েই আসন্ন ওয়ানডে সিরিজ পার করতে চায় তারা।

সোমবার মিরপুর শের-ই বাংলা ক্রিকেট স্টেডিয়ামে বিসিবি'র মিডিয়া চেয়ারম্যান জালাল ইউনুস বলেন,‘সারোয়ার ইমরানের নাম আছে। তাকে নিয়োগ দেওয়া হতে পারে।’

আগে পাঁচ-ছয় জনের কথা বলা হলেও এখন বিসিবি থেকে বলা হচ্ছে তিনজনের সঙ্গে পাকাপাকিভাবে আলোচনা করছে বোর্ড। জালাল ইউনুস আরো বলেন,‘আমাদের কাছে তিনজন প্রধান কোচের তালিকা আছে, আমরা তাদের সঙ্গে কথা বলছি।'

ভারতের ক্রিকেট সংস্থা বাংলাদেশ সফরের তারিখ হিসেবে ১৫, ১৭ ও ১৯ জুন ঠিক করেছে। যদিও এ বিষয়ে এখনো নিশ্চয়তা দেয়নি বিসিবি। ভারপ্রাপ্ত নির্বাহী কর্মকর্তা নিজামউদ্দিন সুজন বলেন,‘তারিখ নিয়ে আমরা এখনো নিশ্চত করে বলতে পারছি না। তবে কয়েকটি ব্যাপার নিয়ে আমরা আলোচনা করেছি। যেহেতু ওদের আইপিএল শেষ করে আসবে এবং এখান থেকে ইংল্যান্ড যাবে। সেভাবে আমরা তারিখ নির্ধারণ করেছি।’

বাংলাদেশ সময়: ১৮২০ ঘণ্টা, ১২ মে ২০১৪ - See more at: http://www.banglanews24.com/fullnews....hyJeiuTb.dpuf
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Old May 12, 2014, 09:18 AM
jeesh jeesh is offline
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Always been Bangladesh's rescue coach. Be it national team, A team under 19 team. No surprises he has been given the interim role. He is not someone you cant fool around either. So dont be surprised if Bangladesh actually performs better in the India series.

Things moving so fast in the cricket world. Pakistan appointed Waqar, and today they confirmed Mushtaq Ahmed just after his release from England national team. New Zealand appointed Craig McMillan as batting coach. Only we take so much of time to confirm someones resignation and then appoint someone else.

But as long as we sign someone good, time isnt a factor. Fortunately concerning names have not been floated around this time. For example, last time Mark Greatbatch, Dermot Reeves, Dean Jones were keen on the job, and none of them had any encouraging experience. Lets hope BCB doesnt disappoint.
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Old May 12, 2014, 11:31 AM
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Hathurusingha had forged a reputation for clear, incisive coaching and a firm, even-handed approach, during his time as a coach in Sri Lanka, but he had his SLC contract terminated in 2010 for disciplinary reasons.
and about the disciplinary reason...
Sri Lanka Cricket interim committee chairman DS de Silva told Cricinfo that the decision to suspend Hathurusingha was taken after he had disobeyed orders to not abandon the team and return home ahead of the one-day tri-series final where Sri Lanka is meeting Zimbabwe at Harare on Wednesday.

If indeed selected, do you see a potential conflict between him and the BCB at certain point in his contract specially when team may not be performing exceptioanlly well?
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Old May 12, 2014, 12:43 PM
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Former shadow coach Hathurusingha open to SL role

New South Wales assistant coach Chandika Hathurusingha has said he is not averse to considering a position with Sri Lanka Cricket, if the board approaches him as it seeks a new head coach.

Golf is good, no umpire needed!
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Old May 12, 2014, 01:32 PM
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Ashraful will make a return to international cricket... as a coach. Ashraful always gets the last laugh.
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Old May 12, 2014, 03:09 PM
Crickbang Crickbang is offline
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What if we have a Sri Lankan duo with Chandika and Chaminda eh? Looks like it will be Hathurusingha after all. They are just negotiating with the salaries and all. He's demand is 25,000 dollars per month (just give it to him already!). I bet BCB is going around 15,000 dollars. That's just cheap! Give the man his dues!
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Old May 12, 2014, 04:01 PM
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কাল এই প্রতিবেদন লেখা পর্যন্ত বেভানের দিক থেকে বিসিবি কিছু জানতে না পারলেও নিউ সাউথ ওয়েলসের সহকারী কোচ এবং বিগ ব্যাশে সিডনি থান্ডারের প্রধান কোচ হাথুরুসিংহের সঙ্গে প্রস্তাবপত্র নিয়ে আলোচনা শুরু হয়েছিল আগেই। কিন্তু আলোচনা শুরু হতে না-হতেই এ ব্যাপারে বাংলাদেশ ও বাংলাদেশের বাইরের বিভিন্ন সংবাদমাধ্যমের ফোন পেয়ে প্রচণ্ড বিরক্ত হাথুরুসিংহে। রেগেমেগে নাকি বাংলাদেশে না আসার সিদ্ধান্ত জানিয়ে দিয়েছেন বিসিবিকে। তাঁর ‘না’টাকে বিসিবি আবার ‘হ্যাঁ’ করার চেষ্টা চালালেও কাল ক্রিকইনফোকে দেওয়া হাথুরুসিংহের সাক্ষাৎকারের পর তারা তাতে সফল হবে না বলেই মনে হচ্ছে৷ সাক্ষাৎকারে হাথুরুসিংহে বলেছেন, শ্রীলঙ্কার কোচ হওয়ার ডাক পেলে সাড়া দেওয়ার কথা বিবেচনা করে দেখবেন তিনি৷ আর সবার মতো তিনিও চান দেশের ক্রিকেটের জন্য কাজ করতে৷

The mind is like a parachute, it only works when open.....Thomas Dewey
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Old May 12, 2014, 04:28 PM
Crickbang Crickbang is offline
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I don't mean any disregard or disrespect to anyone here, but I don't buy report from PA honestly. I mean c'mon really? Rege mege giye? What kind of professional coach would over-react like and break off communications like that, when he has a big opportunity to coach an international team. Prothom Alo is hiding something. Either that, or they are falling for the bluff that BCB is feeding them. I seriously question this report. Besides, Sri Lanka won't take him back and it's clear otherwise they would have given him the job 2 years ago. Either he stays back in Australia or goes to BD.
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Old May 12, 2014, 04:42 PM
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Summarizing the thread:
Originally Posted by jeesh
FB fan pages of couple of cricketers reporting Chandika Hathurusingha likely to be new coach of Bangladesh. Nothing confirmed anywhere else.
Originally Posted by Crickbang
This is NOT true! They have not even started any kinds of negotiations with any candidates yet. Where do you guys get these crappy fan pages on FB? He will likely be the choice, given the list of candidates we have besides Flower and Kirsten, but nothing is imminent as of yet. It won't be until the end of this month that we will likely have a new coach, if we get one at all (Akram said that on Banglanews24).
5 hour later:
Originally Posted by Crickbang
Barring any miracles with Flower or any other last minute drama, all signs point to Hathurusingha to be the next head coach.
lol, 10 hours later:
Originally Posted by Crickbang
Hathurusingha new BCB head coach!

Sports Correspondent...
14 hours later:
Originally Posted by Crickbang
It will be Heath Streak for Bowling Coach along with Hathurusingha as Head Coach. Getting close to an agreement according to Kalerkantho.

No I am not spreading rumors. It's true and KK has been quite reliable as a source IMHO.
15 more hours later:
Originally Posted by Crickbang
Sarwar Imran is the interim head coach. I have a feeling BCB has locked in on Hathurusingha and they are going to negotiate hard over the contract terms while SI holds down the fort until the India series. I could be wrong however and it could be someone big or high profile.

So here it is Bhai shob:

(Opening with)
Dorkar hoiley Ferrari kinbo. Kono bapar naa. Lamborgini'o hoito cholbey. Tobay jodi proojon hoi Bugati'o kiney ditey pari.

(Then as time pass)
Mustang ta kamon? Shunchi Audi'ta joosh? Thik naki thik na? Kono reliability nai.
(Then some time passes)

Arey, notun Escort ta dekhso? loaded mama?
(Then some time passes)

Maruti kintu kharap na. Bhalo gas(oline) mileage dei.
(Then some more time passes)

Who cares about engines? All about emission and polution. We need deshi thela gari (not even goru'r gari - don't want to give "animal rights" a field day). Home grown. Cheap. Listens to all our COMMANDS. What else we need?

"Thela gari" it is.

Dhonnobad (Falturidwanbhai copycat) shesh porjonto porar jonno.
The Weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the Strong." - Gandhi.
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Old May 12, 2014, 04:56 PM
Crickbang Crickbang is offline
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Hahahah. That's been the story because nobody knows what's going on. Even the thing with Sarwar Imran isn't confirmed. God! I hate this situations (Coaching search drama). Ekhon mone hoitese Jurgensen e bhalo chilo. Shudhu sudhu betake harass kore resign korte force korlo BCB. Ei shob faltu media o kom involved na. Ja ber hoy tai report kore, jachay bachay na kore.
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Old May 12, 2014, 09:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Crickbang
I don't mean any disregard or disrespect to anyone here, but I don't buy report from PA honestly. I mean c'mon really? Rege mege giye? What kind of professional coach would over-react like and break off communications like that, when he has a big opportunity to coach an international team. Prothom Alo is hiding something. Either that, or they are falling for the bluff that BCB is feeding them. I seriously question this report. Besides, Sri Lanka won't take him back and it's clear otherwise they would have given him the job 2 years ago. Either he stays back in Australia or goes to BD.
he has every reason to be angry.. He already a coach of a team(club team i know.still its in Aus.Far better place than here),why publish his name before its been confirmed? And i dont know how he can be happy seeing his future employe started behaving unprofessionally even before he signing with them!

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Old May 12, 2014, 09:33 PM
Crickbang Crickbang is offline
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Originally Posted by ahnaf
he has every reason to be angry.. He already a coach of a team(club team i know.still its in Aus.Far better place than here),why publish his name before its been confirmed? And i dont know how he can be happy seeing his future employe started behaving unprofessionally even before he signing with them!

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I understand what you are saying bro. I also understand that he has every right to be angry because his name has been thrown around the media. However, I just can't buy the news report that he was really really angry (rege mege) and broke off talks. Professional coaches aren't like that. Something is really really wrong with the Prothom Alo report. This seems like a bluff in my opinion. So that's what I am questioning essentially (the report). That's all. Hope I could clarify everything. Thanks.
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Old May 12, 2014, 09:52 PM
fuadomar fuadomar is offline
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According to KK, Hatutasinghe is out of equation.
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Old May 12, 2014, 09:58 PM
Crickbang Crickbang is offline
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Well then, let the circus begin! I wonder what does the new "shortlist" look like.
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Old May 12, 2014, 10:32 PM
jeesh jeesh is offline
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Chandika wont be getting a job with Sri Lanka for a while. SLC has decided to go with Atapattu, and despite the interim title i believe he is in their long term plan. If Atapattu flops, i see them going for a foreign coach. Under pressure they will think twice about another local coach.

A good stint with Bangladesh though could help Chandika for a future role if any. But i always had a doubt he would leave a good role in Australia for a risky one in BD. Not the end of the world, plenty of good coaches around.
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Old May 12, 2014, 10:52 PM
Rana Melb Rana Melb is offline
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Min by min update..lol

Love is blind..& I love team Bangladesh!
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Old May 13, 2014, 12:11 AM
jeesh jeesh is offline
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30K USD, series by series coaching? Bevan hasnt achieved anything as a coach to be so demanding.

If Heath Streak is willing why not bring him as a head coach and Grant Flower as his deputy and batting coach. Streak is a former captain and known to be very people person.
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Old May 13, 2014, 12:15 AM
Crickbang Crickbang is offline
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Originally Posted by jeesh
30K USD, series by series coaching? Bevan hasnt achieved anything as a coach to be so demanding.

If Heath Streak is willing why not bring him as a head coach and Grant Flower as his deputy and batting coach. Streak is a former captain and known to be very people person.
These coaches are too much addicted to IPL nowadays. Really really makes me go mad. Always looking for shortcuts. Ugh! Screw Bevan! Re-start talks with Chandika. I am sure we can reach an agreement. Besides, there's nobody on the list that strikes as more qualified. What has Bevan done anyway? Looks mediocre choice to me.
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Old May 13, 2014, 12:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Crickbang
I understand what you are saying bro. I also understand that he has every right to be angry because his name has been thrown around the media. However, I just can't buy the news report that he was really really angry (rege mege) and broke off talks. Professional coaches aren't like that. Something is really really wrong with the Prothom Alo report. This seems like a bluff in my opinion. So that's what I am questioning essentially (the report). That's all. Hope I could clarify everything. Thanks.
I am little surprised. Haturusingha's name has only been brought up in Bengali Dailies, it was shared in FB. But nothing in any English paper or any cricket website. No one knows anything about it in Sri Lanka, and to be honest they would be least bothered even if they knew.

So him getting calls and getting worked up about it sounds a little strange. More than anything he should be honored that he is being considered for an international job (Although he is at a better job). His ultimate goal is to become head coach of Sri Lanka. And obviously he would benefit from any interest from an international team.
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Old May 13, 2014, 12:21 AM
Crickbang Crickbang is offline
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Originally Posted by jeesh
I am little surprised. Haturusingha's name has only been brought up in Bengali Dailies, it was shared in FB. But nothing in any English paper or any cricket website. No one knows anything about it in Sri Lanka, and to be honest they would be least bothered even if they knew.

So him getting calls and getting worked up about it sounds a little strange. More than anything he should be honored that he is being considered for an international job (Although he is at a better job). His ultimate goal is to become head coach of Sri Lanka. And obviously he would benefit from any interest from an international team.

I don't know bro. I am going to stick to my words and still say Prothom Alo and all those papers are falling for BCB bluffs. So never say never Plus, professional coaches listen to offers to the last seconds before they do anything for sure or say anything final. Granted this is a risky job but this is one of the 10 international jobs out there. Why would he get mad? I mean c'mon.
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Old May 13, 2014, 12:26 AM
Crickbang Crickbang is offline
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Besides, I feel he let Sri Lanka know about the engagement with BCB by coming out to talk about it on Cricinfo. "Hey SL, come and get me if you want, or else I will go to BD. I know you need a coach and you know I am good enough to coach that team." etc. It's all strategic.
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