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Old February 20, 2020, 01:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Zeeshan
Thanks godzilla for the kind words. Allow me to take a different stance.

I don't think BC is dying because of mods banning, rather it is the opposite. Mods need to intervene at certain stage. But when a person x, be it myself or others, gets too many free passes for abuse and ad hominem attack and does NOT get banned, the other person may feel slighted and will stop posting.

(As a sidenote, I have also been banned from Bangladesh's FB page. This makes me wonder if some yuppie 20-28 year old kid has so much power over a page with so many followers, imagine the top level corruption that must be rampant and persistent in a board. Heck, F batting, I'd just get tired from the senioritis complex of Papon et co. Also Sujon. Note Sujon. Don't forget him.)

I have been banned before and will gladly accept that decision in hindsight. You cannot go about abusing others and expect people to treat you with golden chalice. Also, there have been subtle ganging up from members who have their own clique and will surreptiously gaslight and undermine your opinion. A perceptive mod should see through the illusory trap and act accordingly.

Some factors that heavily influence decline:

1. Burst of social media. No one bothers to post here because of growth of FB, Youtube.
2. Decline of BD performance. When U-19 performed so well, there was surge.
3. I also wonder how much influence Russian hackers had after the take down.
4. Asymmetrical posts and perhaps lack of quality. Oneworld, Aklemalp and I post a lot, whereas others don't and the forum simply becomes a monolithic mouthpiece for a singular voice and opinion. The way to balance it would be not to grind down on others for too many posts. You cannot control post count. It's the internet. Such is the Taoist nature, the least you control it the more it'd balance it out. Despite FB and Youtube has minimal administrative interference it runs accordingly and smoothly. Even with COPAA and guidelines and rampant of cussing and insults.

Look outside. Can you censor and control human behavior? You can't. However, at the same time I am a firm believer of healthy policing.

Check this out about supreme form of balance in nature. Chinese concept of li:

5. Old timers who used to keep the forum alive simply got too busy.

I think it'd would be harsh and unfair to blame mods for the decline. It's the members who keep the forum alive. Just like you would want police to help you out and intervene in real life, healthy moderating isn't bad.

As Zunaid once said before his 12:00am last stout lager: "There IS no us vs. them. We are them."
It surprises me how people like you were not part of the moderation team. Beautifully written and mostly covered all the points for the downfall of BC. I would, however, disagree with no.1 since our neighbours Pakpassion and Indian Forum is thriving and surviving in the age of surging social media.
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The tongue is like a Lion. If you let it loose, it will wound someone - Imam Ali (R.A)
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