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Old March 20, 2009, 10:35 PM
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Akib Akib is offline
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Join Date: February 27, 2005
Location: Toronto, Canada
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Tonoy, some of your posts in da u19 thread were really really stupid. REMEMBER, you are new (most of us are all new). You cannot go around demanding change. Some of your comments were incredibly badly timed. You gotta be nice to them. Remember they are senior players. And look at it from their prespective. You are a new player, with a team thats not that good (not HIGH level). Yes, you bring valid points about discussing what to do to improve team, but demanding everyone being fired was stupid. Asterius really screwed the team. The new guys had to rebuild the team. Give them some time. ALSO the current top nations had a head start on player development (BD started in season 3 or 2).
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