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Old May 30, 2007, 05:05 PM
Zunaid Zunaid is offline
Join Date: January 22, 2004
Posts: 22,100

Originally Posted by Ganguly da
Yes I have seen this being implemented in other threads..... like no one with posts below 100 can open threads... I think this will really help the cause a lot
This may be self-defeating. Instead of a few (or perhaps more than a few) "useless" threads, the perpetrators will now be compelled to swamp existing threads with "me too", "one liner quotes" and other such annoying artifice to increase their post-counts. Imagine the burden on our moderators then!

The best thing to do is to ignore these threads. There really no need for some one and his/her 50 other friends to post "stupid thread" and what not. This keeps the so called stupid thread alive with even more stupid posts and ad nauseum ad infinitum.

If y'all let it go or use the report button, the moderators can take appropriate action without things getting too far out of hand.

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