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Old October 20, 2021, 12:15 AM
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Zeeshan Zeeshan is offline
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It's like you guys are so convinced that there is single answer to life because no one challenged you in life. Good thing about Youtube or such social media is that you get to see there are other wackos and weirdos out there with plurality of thoughts and ideas.

It's like me saying, I will get triggered just cuz an ant took one wiggly path instead of another. Or if I am a 40 year old dude who somehow gets 'offended' if a kindergarten kid drew pic of boobs. I can care less. Or similarly I went to the land of dinosaurs and talk about blue-haired freaks with their sjw agenda or blm. IT'S ALL MEANINGLESS.

Similarly, in 10,000 years or time or 1 million years of time, no would give a damn hoot if I lied on an application.

There are disgusting cargo cults, Dionysius, debase, profane sexuality in various idolatry, etc etc which existed for thousands of years but we somehow try to hide them under the rug or turn a blind eye pretending the life since 20th century is the be-all-end-all footnote of how civilzation should be. But the nature is incredibly diverse, profound, complex and heck profane. There are or8ies of animals in the nature.

What happens is you guys come along and try to edit and censor how reality and nature should be.

If I was God or Creator, just like a human wouldn't care what wiggly-axxx path an ant took, why should """"I""" give a s-- if a human lied or not or cheated or spot fixed? Why should it leave my CONSCIENCE SHOOK? It's an insult to my intelligence.

Similarly, if there is a Creator or Universal Intelligence, it is soooo farrr out for us puny humans to fathom, that we have the arrogance to somehow think IT should ASCRIBE to OUR ideas of moral weight and values.


Our Creator can LITERALLY unleash a psycho tomorrow who might go around killing people wiht Ak-47 and not have to justify His or Her actions. I obviously don't condone violence or anarchy... but yet at the same time, I DO leave a room for debate as to WHY we should assume the natural law of nature is NOT lawlessness.

Heck I can argue it IS. Just look at universe and second law of thermodynamics and entropy. The world IS going to hell in a handbasket. Decay, death and destruction IS the norm, not preservation, holiness and sunshine and rainbows.

Again, God or our Creator if He or She exist can send a metero shower and squash every 3 year old babies tomorrow along with wiping out human civilization and He doesn't have to answer to anyone.

But for some reason we keep on thinking this is friendly universe and not a hostile one. It could very well be a demonic reality where the Devil or dark force wins. Even Einstein whittled down his entire view on life about if we should think this is a friendly or hostile universe. But the fact that it is a friendly universe where peace, harmony and good should triumph over evil is nothing but an assumption.

The reason despite all of this I CHOOSE to be not a jerk or an arse--- is PRECISELY because I don't have to. I don't have to be either one: good nor bad. But the reason why I CHOOSE to be a good is because of my self-serving selfish needs.

The thing is SO DO YOU FOLKS. You want people to be sacred and be polite, truthful, compassionate, forgiving, nice where JUSTICE prevails (scoffs) is because your egoic minds wants to feel SAFE so that it can navigate freely in a world where OTHERS should change and not YOU. Why?

Your version of truth is good as mine. That's the whole point I am trying to make.

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