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Old October 23, 2019, 01:38 PM
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Fazal Fazal is offline
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Originally Posted by roman
My take on the demands..

Demand #1, I want Durjoy and co to resign from CWAB. He is a director of BCB. Clear conflict of interest there. Besides, Durjoy is a power thirsty, inept man who is a yes man of Papon along with Sujon and Akram. These 3 MUST go, although they didnt demand for Akram and Chacha's head. Wonder why?

For demand #2, 3, 4 and 5 I agree. They should have a say where they want to play, BPL should be back to old system, and more matches

Demand #6, I agree with BCB. If a player is not good enough, he should not be in the contract.

Demand #7, Neutral. Its none of the players concern I think.

Demand #8 and 9. Totally agree. Need more List A and T20 matches. Only then our standard will improve

Demand #10, I agree. Players payment should be made on time. Hate it when the clubs dont pay the players on time

Demand #11. Hell NOO. This demand has Shak written all over the place. More they get to play franchise leagues, more chances of them getting injured and BCB has to pay for the treatment. We lost Fizz due to IPL's workload. This demand is just greedy

Demand #12, I do not want BCB to share revenues. This is Mamar barir abdar at its best. BCB already dishing out bonuses after every series. This is another acquisitive demand from the players I think

Demand #13, Women should get more facilities and I agree with this demand

Yup... not all their demands were in good faith for the betterment of Bangladesh cricket..... some of them were valid demand, some of them are hard to support.
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