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Old August 2, 2005, 10:35 PM
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VladMamu VladMamu is offline
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Join Date: May 30, 2005
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Originally posted by AsifTheManRahman
Originally posted by whiteguy
Just like cigarettes, once you go in, you can't stop reading and posting.
i thought your wife got you out of smoking. if that's the case, then don't you think going to her will be more helpful? think of it this way - you are ten years older than your wife and she'll most likely have you for ten less years. given that the average life expectancy is lower for men than women, that figure might be even greater. Do you want to deprive your baby and your children from being able to spend more time with you by wasting your time on this forum? think whiteguy, think. think of those beautiful eyes and the beautiful dark skin. is it worth it?

now u decide.

AsifTheManRahman, even though I sense a little bit of sarcasm from your thread, considering your post earlier too, I think you are right. I like what you have said here. I have to treat this for what it is. Another addiction. And that beautiful baby of mine that I cherish so much IS being deprived.
Jabbar, you are right also. I have to be strong. If I can't quit myself, than I will replace it for another addiction. Just like there were cigars instead of cigarettes, there will be other forums. Ok. When I feel like posting, Jabbar, I will shut off the computer, and look up my foreighn words later. Since I am not being banned, and since I can not due something deliberate to be banned, since that is not in my character, I must help myself. Ok, ok. I can do this.
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